The Boys of Winter By Wayne R. Coffey

The book I’m reviewing is called The Boys of Winter by Wayne R. Coffey. This book highlights the unbelievable journey of the United States 1980 men’s hockey team, made up of college players from around the U.S.A to the Olympics in Lake Placid. The author keeps you engaged through the intense play by play of the games while also giving the reader insight into the players and coaches background, as well as their thoughts on and off the ice. As the U.S.A team gears up to go to the Olympics along with their coach Herb Brooks, they have a scrimmage versus the world’s best, the Soviet Union. They are known for their focused nature and precision on the ice. Just one year earlier, the Soviet team beat the NHL All Stars 7-2. These were the best players the United States had to offer. As the Scrimmage was under way, one of the U.S players commented that they were almost “watching”, mesmerized by how easy the Soviets made it look rather than playing. They ended up getting beaten, with a final score of 10-3. From here, the author takes the reader through the author takes the reader through the miraculous journey through the U.S teams run, eventually wrapping up with the Americans and the Soviet Union facing off for the gold medal.  One quote that I thought really described the book and really brought this story to life was this: “This cannot be a team of common men because common men go nowhere. You have to be uncommon.” I like this quote because it highlights how just being average doesn’t always get you to where you want to be. To take that next step in being great, the bar has to be raised, not only for yourself but also for everyone else. This quote sums up the journey for the U.S team because the Soviet Union had never been challenged like this before. The United States had to raise the bar for themselves through training and mindset which then translated in raising the bar for the whole sport of hockey. After reading this book, I think that the foremost reason for me recommending is because of the depth and analysis. The author goes above and beyond, not just giving a play by play of all of the games, but going behind the scenes, talking from many people’s perspective whether that was from the players on each team, the coaches, or the general managers. In doing this, he provides a whole new side of the story, digging deeper rather than just scratching the surface. Overall, this book could be a little bit boring at times, but for anyone who loves an underdog story about overcoming the odds, should read this inspiring story of a team and a dream.


By Ethan


The book ” Night’ by Elie Wiesel was a book that helped me understand more point of views about what the Jews went through during the camps. The book gave me more input on the things that went on and how things went down. This book gave me more insight about the camps. One of the weaknesses that the book had was not giving me more imagery, since I was listening to the book I want expecting more words to help me imagine what the scene looks like and what to picture in my head.  This book made me feel sad for the people in the camps and gave me a perspective of what they had to go through. Some key points of this book is when it explained how the camps work and what they went through. The author explains his experience with the camp and he explained his thoughts he had while being in the camp.


The book had a lot of details with the stuff going on in the camp. The audio book was more helpful too because I heard the type of mood the author wanted to show.  This book really is a good book with imagery and pathos. The author used a lot of moments of his life in the camp to use pathos, to make me feel emotions of him going through living in a camp. I chose to read this book because I wanted to understand the life he went through with his father. The book Night is a book you have to know some things about the camps and why Hitler did it. The books just goes straight into talking about the day the author got pulled into the camp and what happens after that. Many things in this book helped me imagine what the camps were like, and for books I like to feel like I am in the book or can feel what the characters feel like. The books ending was a good one, made me feel like there is always something  good at the end of something. I recommend this book for people who like non-fiction books that are involved with past events. This book helped me get more information of his lifestyle and what the camps did to him. His father was not really talked about in this book because the author only knew his side of the camps. One thing i would want the author to change is adding more details about his feelings and what he went through when his dad being separated by his side. The things I would not want him to change is the details he adds when talking about how the camps work and who he meets during the camp. This book is a book that people should read if they want to understand the life of a Jew in a camp. The book Night was rated 5/5 common sense media, this novel is one I would read over and over again.

The Best of Me

The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks draws you in with high school romance between Dawson and Amanda that will keep you wanting to read more to see if their relationship will last through distance, family problems, and the passing of close family and friends.

After 20 years of no contact between Dawson and Amanda, the death of Tuck brought them back to the small town of Oriental. Tuck knew that both Dawson and Amanda loved each other so he wrote letter to nudge them into finding themselves again. But an accident of Amanda’s son has brought Amanda home and back to reality leaving Dawson back in Oriental with his dangerous cousins waiting to kill him.

In a small town called Oriental, Dawson Cole grew up in the town crazy criminal family. His cousins Abee and Ted have had a family feud against Dawson ever since they were young because Dawson never wanted to be a part of the criminal history that runs through his family. In high school Dawson lived with a man named Tuck, they didn’t speak often, but Tuck provided a place to live and a job that involved fixing cars. Amanda was one of the popular girls in high school, she always saw the bright side of people and never got into trouble. Dawson and Amanda instantly had a spark, but Amanda’s family did not approve of Dawson because of his family reputation in the town. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months, and soon Amanda would be going off to college leaving Dawson in Oriental. Soon after, Dawson was charged for murder of the town doctor and was sentenced to prison. Twenty years later Dawson was released and ended up on an oil rig in Louisiana. All while this was going on Amanda was off at college, she met a man named Frank and they began to be a little more than friends. But she could never feel the same as she did towards Dawson. After college Amanda and Frank and three children. The youngest died from leukemia. The death of their child brought great pain and uncontrollable drinking problems. After Amanda and Dawson met for the first time in years, they realized that their spark was still there. But once reality settled in Amanda knew she couldn’t just leave her family. Her son was rushed to the hospital because of a car accident that resulted in him to have heart transplant surgery. “I gave you the best of me, [Dawson] told her once, and with every beat of her son’s heart, she knew he’d exactly done that.”

I really enjoyed this book! I’m already a fan of Nicholas Sparks so I wasn’t surprised that I liked it. The author’s writing makes you feel as if you are the character in the book.

The Best of Me is probably one of my favorite books. Most of Nicholas Sparks books have been made into movies for example, Safe Haven and Dear John. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting to get lost in a book.


And Then There Were None


Image result for and then there were none

And Then There Were None is about ten strangers that are invited to an Island to spend a weekend. When they all get there they are quick to realize that they don’t know who invited them. They also figure out that the reason they were all invited to the Island is because they all were involved in somebody’s death. When the first person drops dead unexpectedly, they realize that foul play must had been involved. There is a poem in everyone’s room about ten little Indians who were all  killed. When people start to die in the order of the poem, there is also a porcelain Indian from the dining room table that is broken with each death. They all realize that someone the island is trying to kill them.

The book starts off a little slow because they are introducing all the ten characters and telling how they were invited to an island. The author does an impressive job of setting up the scene and making it have a scary feel. The middle of the book starts to pick up pace with multiple deaths. The end of the book is so thrilling and exciting because it has you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to see who is the killer. One thing negative about this book is that there are a lot of characters that you must keep track of, especially because they are referred to by different names. You also must try to remember how each of them died. However, I did like how the end was exciting because there were two quick plot twists. The first one is exciting and happens quickly, the second you think that the story is done but then the reader sees that there is one last thing that the murderer must do according to the poem.

The writing is easy to understand and is good for all high school students. It isn’t very long and is over 200 pages. The book is so gripping that once you start reading it you will not put it down. This is one of Agatha Christie’s hardest books to write and it is written so well and with so much detail it feels like you are right there in the moment with these characters experiencing it with them. If you enjoy murder mystery and don’t mind putting in little effort to staying alongside, the plot than this is the book for you.